7-12 Morning Announcements

Friday Additions:

  • Would the 2 students who have borrowed the office loaner chromebooks, please return them ASAP so they may be loaned to other students.

Thursday Additions:

  • HS student council will be meeting in the JH commons area during EMPIRE today!
  • If you are interested in Tryouts for Basketball cheerleading--clinics will be held on Wed. Nov 1 4:15-6, Thurs Nov 2 3:30-5 and Friday Nov 3 4:15 -6. At the clinics you will learn a dance, a chant and you will be required to make up an original cheer/chant. Tryouts will be Sat. Nov. 4 at 9 am in the auditorium. Email Cheyenne Welch at cheywelch@gmail.com your first and last name and your grade to sign up. That information is also located in the HS office.
  • There will be a wrestling meeting on Wednesday during lunch in Coach Parkins room.

Wednesday Additions:

  • No new announcements!

Tuesday Additions:

  • The 8th grade class is raffling off a chance to win 2 Ohio State fottball tickets against Minnesota on November 18th. Tickets are 1 for $10, 3 for $20, and 7 for $50. $30 cash will also be given to the winner to help with parking at the game. Please see an 8th grader for a chance to win. Drawing is November 3rd.
  • Junior High Girls Basketball practice starts Monday at 3:20. Make sure you and your parent join the Remind group. See Coach Cuellar with questions.

Monday Announcements:

  • Calling all JH students. The junior high FCH Fall Fun Night is back on. The new date is Saturday October 28th at Mr. and Mrs. Lee's house from 4-8 p.m. Come for food, fun and fellowship. See the flyers around the JH hallway for more information.
  • For any junior high football players who did not turn in equipment on Friday, please stay after school on Tuesday to turn in equipment to Coach Miller.
  • NJHS members - please check Google Classroom and vote for officers as soon as possible. Please also plan to come to a meeting in Mrs. Stockwell's room during EMPIRE on Thursday.
  • High School boys basketball will be practicing Thursday from 3:15-4:45 and Saturday from 11:00 to 12:30
  • Baseball Open fields will be after school tomorrow 3:30-5:00
  • BE ON THE LOOK OUT! There are hidden Red Ribbon's throughout the entire school. If you find one, keep it, and turn it in to either Mrs. Campbell or Nurse Jamison for a prize. Ribbons will be rehid each day so keep your eyes open and see if you find one.